Sunday, May 08, 2005

Out of sight, out of mind

Last night I went to Shattered with Craig—and had more fun than you can shake a stick at.

Whitney, Jordan, Eric, and Miranda, and Jeff came. I was totally trashed by the time we got there, so the fact that it wasn’t totally packed bothered me not. I don’t think I have gotten my crazy-dance on like that before—I remember dancing in the cage (while humping Miranda), grabbing Whitney, and being grinded against by Craig/Jeff. Hawt? I also remember telling just about everyone, “Yeah, I used to be straight 4 weeks ago.” With arched eyebrows, ill-hidden skepticism, and conciliatory smiles, they were like, “Really?”

This morning I woke up hung-over, smelling like smoke and gay-boy cologne, and hauled ass back to my house. Where I will be studying until I drop. Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.


Anonymous said...

Oh my hell Mr Ed. What a fabulous time! I cannot wait for us to hang out again, even if there will not be humping involved. Good luck studying and such. Until later, my dear...

Ed Grow said...

Ed Grow said...
I think I remember that time. Me eating candy cigarettes, and Alyssa being like, "Gee, Ed. Even your cigarettes aren't straight." Phrophetic? Foreboding? Altos---the harbingers of doom.