Monday, July 25, 2005

This is one of the funniest pictures I have ever seen. I downloaded it a while ago, and it was my desktop for all of freshmen year—I don’t know if you guys heard about this a couple years ago.

Giselle Bundchen, the most beautiful woman on the planet (ok…maybe she is tied for that title with Uma Thurman) is sabotaged by some dykey, no-make-up-wearing, little mouse of a PETA activist. She is wearing a brown tweed jacket over what looks like olive green slacks that have a dark black racing stripe down the side. Call me crazy, but I would dress up a bit more if I was protesting something.

I think probably the funniest thing is that if you look at Giselle, you can’t tell whether her pissed off face is because she is being humiliated by a nature-worshipping flannel-bedecked ogre, or whether that is the usual look on her face when she “walks” (as they use the term in the modeling world…so I hear.)

The next second, a security guard is shown tackling the PETA-skank off of the runway, and her straight, un-high-lighted, limp brown hair is caught momentarily sticking straight out like a flailing baby’s arms due to the impact of the hefty security guard. The fashionistas even applauded when the PETA protesters were pushed off the platform! Were they hurt? Who knows…but the fact that the fashion industry would care more about squelching a fur protest than caring about human life makes this catty bitch smile. Oh, god. PETA lost big on this one.

I, in my ever cynical, malevolent, sense of humor, have one pronouncement: Goddamn priceless.


Alexis du Bois said...

"Call me crazy, but I would dress up a bit more if I was protesting something"
You ARE crazy bitch! What do you think she should be wearing, a chinchilla stole?

Alexis du Bois said...

I know that protester from from Cambridge MA. The capital of Tweed and Olive Socks.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I'm an idiot. I was like, "I wonder what that sign says" because I thought it was in german (c'mon: Fur Scum? Sounds german to me) Apparently I don't sprechen sie Deutsches or sie English. Shit.

Ed Grow said...

"The" Mrs-
Yes! I *am* a crazy bitch. I would take PETA more seriously if they all didn't look like angry hobo-lesbians.

I miss you. Come and visit and we share rule the world together. Or central Missouri. I've settled for less. Love!

Ms. Bees-
I do believe you would you little pirate-hooker! Love!

It is "Scheiße". Thank you very much. Love!

Alexis du Bois said...

calm down my little pet; let me stoke you to make you happy again.

Anonymous said...

hmm i kind of like her outfit though...maybe i'll wear it on the first day of class this year?

Gustad said...

hehe. funny story.
nice blog. keep writing!