Thursday, April 14, 2005

The roommate show...

"The first time it is really hot, and you get kind of sweaty. But then after that it is relaxing. [And I like boys.]"-Aaron Hartmann describing his homoerotic tanning experience.


Anonymous said...

Scratch that comment from the previous post. I fuckin hate you. (just kidding) Oh, and just so everyone knows I am definitely straight (read: much straighter than ed grow).

Ed Grow said...

Yeah, but you dance like a middle aged blonde lesbian. Seriously, it's true guys. He dances like Ellen.

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is, SEND ME AN ASIAN, Ed, Send me a fuckin' asian...and who knows better than us what middle aged blonde lesbians dance like? ha...disturbing...

Ed Grow said...

Haha seestar! I totally thought about that when I saw you at Lanes concert...but what does one say? Hey Sarah, do you remember the time you danced with eight lesbians? That is what I thought. (send me too, an asian)