Sunday, August 14, 2005

drown me slowy (pleading: enclose me)

I had an ocean dream last night. In which I was over my head in dark gray sea at night, with no moon or stars to see by. I gasped for air, and struggled to the surface but the pull of the salty, icy waves and the song of the sea were too strong. But how bizarre, I’m so sorry.

Thick as stars at night when the moon is down,
Pleasures assail him. He to his nobler fateFares;
and but waves a hand as he passes on,
Cries but a wayside word to her at the garden gate,
Sings but a boyish stave--and his face is gone.

PS. I love moving. (and his face is gone)

1 comment:

Alexis du Bois said...

I KNOW! You were John Jacob Astor after finding yourself in the cold, cold waters off the Titanic. We are related after all!

come closah to me bebe, so i can embrach yah lick yu needah it.

(Did I do well in EG101?)