Sunday, March 05, 2006

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In honor of BBM appearance at the Academy Awards, last night Craig and I watched what could possibly be the gayest best picture winner ever: An American in Paris. It has extended dance sequences, lots of Gershwin undertones, and gayest of all, Gene Kelly in tight yellow spandex.

[Cue Lighted fountain and brass sequence, “And then I realized, I love Josh.”]

Alright, he’s kind of a Baldwin. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

I love how you've got a Clueless quote for everything.

Ed Grow said...

I love it too!

craiger said...

Clueless pretty much is the gay Bible (along with Legally Blonde, Romy and Michelle, and Mean Girls)!

Ed Grow said...


You know it! Love.


"That's why her hair is so big, it's full of secrets."Love.