Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Much needed Berg-induced silliness, last night.

Today: caffeine-induced productivity--sitting in coffee-zone, in my beloved yet-estranged Columbia, reading interesting science and listening to Maria. Rachel always said that seemingly-profound realizations had while smoking pot decay like rotting fruit in a Peter Lynch film during the day after.

You wake up in the harsh morning light and the severe yellow-green rays of the sun reveal your foolishness like an unflattering shadow on the melancholy face of a Van Gogh.

Living in the moment? Simple pleasures? My excitement and inquisitiveness are returning after weeks of apathy and suppression.

I'm finally feeling back to normal after the nightmarish fall (cue the strident tritone double stops of a Saint Saëns violin and a staggeringly drunk Lindsey Lang, hair askew, shot in a jarring Dutch tilt).

Craig says that Mozart is the Britney Spears of classical music. I usually agree, but Entführung has some sublime moments. Overly-stylized and musically fluffy, but sublime nonetheless.

What will 2009 hold?


Lindsey412 said...

I'm glad that Dr. Budd's silent-film version of Lindsey Lang will always be etched in your memory. I'm sitting in Portland watching Mark make coffee at Starbucks, and need to go to the bathroom, but the little girl's room has been occupied or broken for the whole time I've been here and I think I'm going to die.

Ed Grow said...


Oh haha, that was priceless! I hope you and Marky-sparky have a wonderful New Year's Eve. I will thinking of you two, update your blog!


Anonymous said...

ed, do you mean david lynch?........hmmmmm

Alexis du Bois said...

My poor little Ed; Hope you are feeling better and decide not to hide any longer.